I am a focused, aware weaver.
/You'll recognize me because I'm intelligent, refreshing, reliable, meaningful, and layered.
One of my classes this semester is focusing on branding ourselves. Part of that is figuring out who we really are. At the end of the term, we are going to send out our branding packages to an organization of choice, either applying to them as someone we'd really like to work for or as a freelance designer looking to get work from them. I'm taking the second option. I want to be independent, and am looking for contracts. That doesn't mean I wouldn't sign on to work somewhere for x amount of time but rather I want to have more of a handle on the way that I work and the way that I like to delegate my time.
The business that I'm applying to design for is Tourism BC /Hello BC/Destination BC.
From their site:
"Destination British Columbia is responsible for marketing the Super, Natural British Columbia ® brand to the world."
They are dedicated to promoting long-term, sustainable growth of the tourism industry by marketing BC as a tourism destination locally, nationally, and internationally.
The outdoors is my passion. Sharing my love of British Columbia is my biggest source of joy in life. I spend my free time exploring every inch that I can (with my dog, of course), and I would be a valuable asset to their team because of my experience with graphic design in various medias, mainly print and web, and my outdoor photography skills. I am confident in my ability to follow the brand that they've established, and my personal taste and attitudes align perfectly with that of Destination British Columbia. It's our paradise to share.